Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Breakdown for Oct. 8

FL moved back into the Barely Obama column today, so Obama's +5 point lead count is down to 277 EVs. Still enough to win, but not quite as decisive as it was yesterday. On the other hand, PA has moved from the Weak Obama to the Strong Obama, making two states that have been universally cited as swing states to move into the strong Obama column since the first of the month (the other was NH). Otherwise, no movement today.

The bad news of course is that many people STILL remain undecided. In the comments, diogenes99 points to some excellent analysis of who will really be deciding our nation's future:

If the election were held today and...ObamaMcCain
...all McCain <5% went to Obama375163
...all Obama <5% went to McCain277261
Shift since yesterday:+0+27
Shift this week:+0-27

(See this post for an explanation of these numbers.)

For the raw poll data and more details, see this day's page on
Click for

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