Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lots of Polling (and Nate Silver) on Countdown Tonight

Tons of polling details covered on tonights Countdown. In fact three of the five segments were covering various polling-related topics, including another appearance by Nate Silver. All three are worth watching.

McCain campaign manager Rick Davis has theorized that the race won't be decided on the issues, but on personality. If so, more bad news for McCain. Obama is polling ahead in every personality and temperament metric, not to mention almost every issue metric. Specifics in the video, but here are the margins:

The right temperament to be president? Obama +20 (N)
Compassionate enough to understand average people? Obama +26 (N)
More Favorable: Obama +20 (N)
Less Favorable: McCain +24 (N)
Better judgment: Obama +14 (P)
Campaign too critical of opponent: McCain +30 (P)
Campaign not too critical: Obama +30 (P)

Experienced enough: McCain +22 (N)
Better Commander in Chief: McCain +18 (N)
Better Able to handle the Economy: Obama +9 (P)
Better Able to handle the Economy: Obama +21 (N)
Better on Taxes: Obama +24 (N)
Better on Mortgage & Housing Crisis: Obama +21 (N)
Better on Energy: Obama +12 (N)
Better on Wall Street Crisis: Obama +17 (N)
Better on Iraq: McCain +5 (N)
Better on Catching Bin Laden: McCain +20 (N)
Overall favorite (Among first-time voters only): Obama +47 (N)

(N) NBC/Wall Street Journal
(P) Pew Research

This segment featured analysis by Howard Fineman, and discusses among other things, the possibility of the Obama campaign attacking MCCain in states like ND, GA and even AZ.

The Second segment focuses on Sarah Palin, and how her numbers became so incredibly low. Analysis by Richard Wolfe.

Voters concerns about McCain: (N)
VP not qualified: 34%
Will continue Bush policies: 23%
Economic policies: 20%

Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president? Yes: 40% No: 55% (N)
Feelings about Palin: Negative: 47% Positive: 38% (N)

Finally, analysis of the Electoral map, featuring Nate Silver from FiveThirtyEight.com.

The entire episode is worth watching... Keith was in particularly good form tonight. You can watch the whole thing here.

Rachel has more info from the same NBC poll:
Topline: Obama +10
Positive feelings towards Obama: 56% (+4 since Oct. 5)
Negative Feelings: 33% (-2)

Which two things concern you about Obama:
None of these cause concern: 33%
Too inexperienced: 23%
Too Liberal on Social or Moral issues: 18%
Would raise taxes: 17%
Too influenced by Ayers/Wright: 16%

Analysis on the state of the race in VA with former VA governor Douglas Wilder

She also had an excellent piece on the potential for Election fraud and voter suppression with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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